Amsterdam, 16 de juny

Avui ha estat l’últim dia d’estada a la ciutat d’Amsterdam i l’hem volgut compartir amb els nostres companys i companyes de l’escola Spring High School. Hem arribat ben d’hora al

Amsterdam, 14 i 15 de juny

El dimecres 14 de juny va ser el dia que vam aprofitar per conèixer la ciutat que ens està acollint aquesta setmana. Un cop esmorzats vam sortir cap a l’estació

Erasmus Amsterdam meeting

Our 5th graders, Aina and Ariadna, will travel to the Netherlands in June to learn about the daily life of a school in Amsterdam. They’re sure to make lots of


The fifth year students have created a logo to represent the ALASVO project. The students who participated in the design of the logo voted for the 2 best ones. The

We have the lucky ones!

Last Monday, the draw was made for the students who will travel to Amsterdam to participate in the Erasmus+ programme. All 5th grade students were present and were able to