Psychomotricity with the Orcas and the Rockets (2nd Term)

During the second term, we have been following the same line as the first term, but we have introduced new materials and we have practised different skills. Moreover, we could go to the playground to practise these habilities! We enjoyed a lot!

Categories I3

Psychomotricity with P4 and P5 – 2nd Term

During the second term, we have been following the same line, but we have introduced new materials and we have practised some new skills. Moreover, we could go to the gym to do a psychomotricity session.

Let’s have a look on the photo gallery!

The preschoolers’ English Day 2019

During some weeks we were preparing English Day. This year was about the topic “Keep Healthy”. The Orcas and the Rockets focused on doing exercise, moving legs and arms; the Robots and the Mountains focused on some healthy advices; and finally, the Dinosaurs and the Explorers focused on the 3 R’s (reduce, reuse recycle) in order to take care of the planet.

Our English Day 2019

This year our Mogent Channel showed different TV Programmes related to the topic “Keep Healthy”. The different grades performed a TV programme about taking care of yourself and your planet: with healthy advices, doing exercise, promoting the recycling, protecting the environment…

No malgastem l’aigua

Aquest any a l’hort hem posat un bidó per anar posant l’excedent d’aigua de les aules. De primer a sisè, com a activitat de sensibilització de la importància de l’aigua, recullen la que no s’aprofita. Cada vegada que obrim l’aixeta per rentar les mans, beure aigua, netejar pinzells… recollim en una safata l’aigua sobrant. Tota l’aigua recollida d’aquesta manera, la posem al bidó de l’hort, i aquesta serveix per regar-lo.

One, two, three game!

A few days ago P4 and P5 students were playing at One, two three game. While a student counted “One, two, three” looking the wall, the others had to move towards him, but when he turned to us, we couldn’t move, we had to be statues. If we moved, we had to go home. If someone touched his back, he had to catched us. It was very fun!

English Day

The topic of this year is Healthy Living. We have created a TV Channel and each level will perform a TV Program. During these days we have been working really hard to achieve the best performance. Can you wait to discover it? You will watch it soon…

Cooperative structures with P4 and P5

During a week, the robots, the mountains, the dinosaurs and the explorers have been building cooperative structures. First of all, we made groups of all the classes mixed. Then, we talked about what we wanted to build and we started to do it. Finally, we explained to the others what we had built and we played with all the structures.

Fem sacs d’olors

A la tardor ens trobem que a l’hort hi ha poca feina. Les males herbes no creixen gaire i gràcies a les pluges ens cal regar poc. Així doncs, aprofitant que tenim uns parterres de plantes remeieres, hem decidit fer uns sacs d’olors.