Psychomotricity with P3 – 3rd Term

During the Third Term the Orcas and the Rockets have been practising differents skills, using new materials and playing new games. We enjoyed a lot!

Here you can have a look at the photo gallery of each class…

Categories I3

Hem fet granissat de menta!

Durant uns dies, a l’hora del pati hem fet granissat de menta per poder refrescar-nos! Ha estat tot un èxit!

Fins i tot els alumnes d’educació infantil han pogut gaudir d’aquesta activitat. Els ha agradat molt!

Psychomotricity with P4 and P5 – 3rd Term

During the Third Term the Robots, the Mountains, the Dinosaurs and the Explorers have been practising differents skills, using new materials and playing new games. We could also go to the gym and the playground to do some psychomotricity session.

Physical Education: 1st Grade (3rd Term)

During the 3rd term, the Volcanos and the Clouds have been working different contents. One of them has been Rhythm and body expression, which included gestures, postures, rhythms, dramatization, dancing… in order to express feelings, things or ideas with our body; and the other one has been Time and space, which are two very important components of the movement that we have to take into account.

Anem amb moto!

Les Orques, de P3, estem treballant el projecte de les motos, i hem après el significat i l’ús d’algunes senyals de trànsit, tant en català com en anglès.

Hem realitzat diferents activitats i jocs per anar-ho assolint i ho hem posat en pràctica!

Finger family song!

These days, the Dinosaurs and the Explorers have been learning vocabulary related to the family: daddy, mommy, brother, sister… We have made puppets of family members and we have sung The finger family song!

Categories I5

Teatre en anglès!

El dilluns passat, els alumnes de P3, P4 i P5 vam anar al gimnàs de l’escola a veure una obra de teatre en anglès. A l’espectacle, «The Sea», apareixien uns animals molt divertits que ens van fer cantar i ballar molt!

Ens ho vam passar d’allò més bé!

The flowers project with P3

During the 2nd and the 3rd term, the Rockets have been working on a part of the flowers project in English.  We have been learning new vocabulary related to the flowers (the name of some flowers, the colours…) by playing different games, interacting with the others…

We enjoyed a lot!

Categories I3

Physical Education with 1st Grade

During the 2nd term, the Volcanos and the Clouds continued working on the balance control. Then, we continued working on the content: jumps, turns and movements. This is a very important content, and we did many activities and exercices in order to improve our habilities and movements. Finally, we exerciced the throws and the catches: throwing, catching, kicking, hitting, and bouncing balls. We enjoyed it!