First Grade in Physical Education

During the first term the Volcanos and the Clouds did two sessions of Physical Education per week. We started learning and identifying the parts of the body and the articulations in English. Then we played some games related to laterality. We had to identify the left and the right side of the body. After that, we finished with balance. We did some balance exercices: walking in different ways on the bench with a bag on the head, using the stilts…

Psychomotricity with P4 and P5

During this first term, the students of P4 and P5 have done a session of two hours of psychomotricity a week in english. The groups have been made with students of the classes of P4 and P5 mixed. The sessions always have the same structure, and the proposals and the materials are changing depending on what we are working on.

Psychomotricity with P3

During this first term, the orcas and rockets have done two psychomotricity sessions a week in English, one with the whole group and the other with a small group.

Here is a collection of photographs of some of the activities we did:

Categories I3

Iniciem l’hort

Amb l’arribada de la tardor hem començat a posar fil a l’agulla amb el nostre hort. Abans de res, hem netejat l’hort ja que durant l’estiu han anat creixent les males herbes. Seguidament, l’Esteve ens ha donat un cop de mà per preparar la terra tot removent-la i posant adob per enriquir-la.