Quines rutines podem fer per gaudir d’un son saludable?

A partir de l’enquesta que es va passar a les famílies en relació als hàbits que fem abans d’anar a dormir i les hores que dormim, els alumnes d’educació infantil vam fer un recull amb els resultats. En una gràfica s’hi reflecteix les hores de son de tots els nens i nenes. I en l’altra, els hàbits i les rutines que fan abans d’anar a dormir.

A partir d’aquesta recollida de dades, cada classe va analitzar els resultats i va reflexionar sobre quins hàbits ens ajuden a estar més tranquils i relaxats per poder dormir de forma saludable i quins no ens hi ajuden.

Psychomotricity with P4 and P5 – 2nd Term

Students of P4 and P5 performed many activities at psychomotricity class along this term. For example: practise different motor skills (coordination, balance control, walk, jump, walk, run, hop, slide, crawl…), identify and move the parts of our body, play and building with the material proposed in each session, play traditional games…

Physical Education with 1st Grade

Along the second term the 1st graders continued improving the balance control through different activities (games, circuits…). After that, we worked on the content: jumps, turns and movements. We performed many activities and exercises in order to improve our abilities. We jumped, turned and moved in endless and original ways. We enjoyed it!

Psychomotricity with P3 – Second Term

Students of P3 performed many activities along this second term. We introduced new materials and practised different motor skills and coordination. Moreover, we could go to the playground to practise these habilities! We enjoyed a lot!

Categories I3

Move your legs

During the 1st Term, the Trolls have been working on a part of the project in English.  We have been learning new vocabulary related to the parts of the body (head, legs, toes, arms, back…) and we have been learning and dancing the song “Move your legs“.

We enjoyed a lot!

Categories I3

The Lion sleeps tonight

During the 1st Term, the Lions have been working on a part of the project in English.  We have been learning new vocabulary related to the lions and we have been learning and dancing the song “The lion sleeps tonight” by The Tokens.

We enjoyed a lot!

Categories I5

Psychomotricity with P3 – 1st Term

During the first term, the Trolls and the Turtles have done two psychomotricity sessions a week in English, one with the whole group and the other in small group. We enjoyed it a lot!

Here is a collection of photographs of some of the activities we did:

Categories I3

Psychomotricity with P4 and P5 – 1st Term

Along this first term the students of P4 and P5 have done a session of two hours of psychomotricity a week in English. The groups have been made with students of the classes of P4 and P5 mixed. The sessions always have the same structure, and the proposals and the materials are changing depending on what we are working on.

Here is a collection of photographs of some of the activities done:

Physical Education with First Grade

During the first term the students of First Grade have been working on different contents. First of all, we have been discovering our body using English language (parts of the body, articulations, movements…). Then, we have played games related to laterality, identifying the left and the right side of our body. Finally we have worked on balance control, doing different balance exercises (walking on stilts, walking in different ways on the bench with a beanbag on the head…).