Amsterdam, 16 de juny

Avui ha estat l’últim dia d’estada a la ciutat d’Amsterdam i l’hem volgut compartir amb els nostres companys i companyes de l’escola Spring High School. Hem arribat ben d’hora al

Amsterdam, 14 i 15 de juny

El dimecres 14 de juny va ser el dia que vam aprofitar per conèixer la ciutat que ens està acollint aquesta setmana. Un cop esmorzats vam sortir cap a l’estació

Small actions with big impacts

Sílvia has been in Lisbon, Portugal, doing a course on environmental education. The aim of the course was to awaken the environmental awareness of teachers to act as facilitating agents

Erasmus+ in Tallinn

Last week, our teacher Natalia visited Kindluse School in Tallinn (Estonia). She visited the facilities, interviewed some of their teachers and introduced our own project to the teachers team. It



Erasmus meeting

Meeting of the schools of the Erasmus+ ALASVO consortium in order to share the mobilities that have been done so far. Sílvia explained her experience in Portugal. Here you can

Our Erasmus+ mobilities

Fresh news from Mogent’s Erasmus!Now, you can see the Erasmus+ mobilities we have scheduled this year. Sílvia is in Lisbon this week doing an Erasmus program! We are waiting for

Erasmus Amsterdam meeting

Our 5th graders, Aina and Ariadna, will travel to the Netherlands in June to learn about the daily life of a school in Amsterdam. They’re sure to make lots of