Laterality and balance with 2nd grade

We started the first term revising the most important parts of our body in English. Then we worked on our laterality. We played different games to identify, as fast as possible, the right and the left side of our body. We continued with balance, and we became experts in balancing a beanbag on our head.

Athletics and Acrosport with 5th grade

We started the term playing some cooperative games. Then we continued improving our motor skills practicing Athletics. We wrote our best mark of 5 Athletics events: long jump, high jump, hurdling, shot put and 100 meters. At the beginning of the lesson, we always did 5 minutes of stretching exercises. We learned the stretching exercises help us to avoid injuries, and they are also useful to revise the name of the most important muscles and joints of our body in English.

Psychomotricity with P4 and P5

During this first term, the students of P4 and P5 have done a session of two hours of psychomotricity a week in english. The groups have been made with students of the classes of P4 and P5 mixed. The sessions always have the same structure, and the proposals and the materials are changing depending on what we are working on.

Psychomotricity with P3

During this first term, the orcas and rockets have done two psychomotricity sessions a week in English, one with the whole group and the other with a small group.

Here is a collection of photographs of some of the activities we did:

Categories I3

We play handball

In November, some coaches from Handball La Roca del Vallès visited us to explain lots of things about handball. During one week, the students from 1st to 3rd grade learnt how to bounce, throw, catch, and dribble the ball. The coaches also taught how to attack or defence and the best position to shoot a penalty. A part from that, we also learnt the goal area can not be entered by any other player, except for the goalkeeper. Finally, they explained to us as soon as the ball is held with one or both hands, it must be passed after three steps.

Jornades esportives amb l’escola Pilar Mestres a 3r i 5è

Com ja és habitual durant el mes de juny, els alumnes de 3r i 5è vam participar en les jornades esportives que s’organitzen entre les dues escoles del poble. Els nens i nenes de 3r les vam realitzar el dijous 7 de juny a l’escola Mogent, així els companys de l’escola Pilar Mestres van venir a jugar a la nostra escola.

Tokyo and the Music in Physical Education (2nd term)

We started the second term playing some cooperative games. During this term in Physical Education class we improved our hand-eye coordination, agility, strength and resistance playing Volleyball.

At the end of the second term we practised our global motor skills and our resistance. Here you can see some photos we took during the second term. We hope you like them.

Paris and Hawaii in Physical Education (2nd term)

As we did during the first term, we also started the second term playing some cooperative games. During this term in Physical Education class we improved our hand-eye coordination, our agility, our strength and our resistance playing basketball and handball.

Els Jocs Olímpics cooperatius del Mogent

Durant el segon trimestre els nens i nenes de 4t A vam preparar i participar en els primers Jocs Olímpics cooperatius del Mogent. Primer de tot vam provar i experimentar alguns reptes cooperatius ja creats. La consigna era que cada prova només es podia superar amb la participació activa de tots els membres del grup.