The Olympic Games and the Magic in Physical Education (2nd term)

As you can see in the video below, we started the second term playing some cooperative challenges. Then we continued working on our gymnastic skills, we practiced how to do a forward somersault, a backward somersault, the cartwheel, the headstand and the handstand.

The Rock and the Technology in Physical Education (2nd term)

As always, we started the second term playing some cooperative games. During the second term in Physical Education class, we learnt how to jump using the skipping rope. At first, it was difficult, but finally, we achieved good results. 

Tokyo and the Music in Physical Education (1st term)

Tokyo and the Music started the first term playing some cooperative games. Then we continued improving our motors skills practicing Athletics. In 6th grade, we focus on the shot put and the high jump disciplines. 

Paris and Hawaii in Physical Education (1st term)

During the first term Paris and Hawaii worked really hard. To start with, we played some cooperative games. Then we continued improving our motor skills practising Athletics. In 5th grade we focused on long jump and hurdling disciplines. At the beginning of the class we always did 5 minutes of stretching exercises. We learnt the stretching exercises help us to avoid injuries, and they are also useful to revise the name of the most important muscles and joints of our body in English.

The Jungle and the Electricity in Physical Education (1st term)

The Jungle and the Electricity worked very hard during the first term. We started playing some cooperative games. Then we went on with a revision of where are the right and the left side of our body. During this unit, we did some exercises to realize which side is better for us.

The Rock and the Technology in Physical Education (1st term)

The Rock and the Technology started the first term playing some cooperative games. Then we continued learning where are the right and the left side of our classmates. At the end of this unit we were able to identify the right and the left side of a classmate in less than 5 seconds.

The Olympic Games and the Magic in Physical Education (1st term)

During the first term, the Olympic Games and the Magic worked very hard. First, we started playing some cooperative games. Then we worked on identify the right and the left side of a classmate in less than 3 seconds. As you can see in the photos, we played some really funny games.

Little Scientists and Sweets in Physical Education (1st term)

We want to show you what we did during the first term in Physical Education class. At the beginning of the term, we played cooperative games, then we worked on all the parts of our body, and we started identifying what parts of our body are in the right side and what parts are in the left side.