English Day 2014!

El dijous 20 de març vam celebrar el primer English Day a la Roca del Vallès: durant tot el dia a totes les escoles de la Roca es van fer activitats diverses sota el mateix denominador comú: la llengua anglesa.

Les activitats que es van fer van ser:

Waiter and Customer

Third graders show us a realistic exchange between a waiter and a customer. They have learned how to create a menu to practice ordering in a restaurant.

Good morning, Mogent!

Welcome to the English Day at Mogent School! Today, everybody at the school is going to speak in English! Are you ready? Let’s go!


Aquí ens teniu, als diables i als taurons, cantant unes quantes cançons en anglès!
Ho fem bé?

Categories I5

Cooking together!

They learnt how to make chocolate chips cookies with Emilio…
…and now we have created a no-cook recipe with funny ingredients!

Get active with Katina Taylor

3rd and 4th graders practiced a stretching routine with Katina Taylor, the famous choreographer.
It’s important to warm up your body before starting physical activity.
We love movement!

Hello, how are you?

The 4th grade classes work to create a dialogue and explore the use of it.