Walking in the jungle! Firemen and Knights and princesses

Hello families,

This third term we continued exploring the world of animals with our memory game and a song. In fact, we have learnt a song about wild animals called “Walking in the jungle”.

We have enjoyed a lot! Enjoy it and be an explorer like us!

Categories I4

Describing ourselves

During the last sessions, 4th graders have been creating a small book that contains their own drawings and descriptions. All the information has been gathered in a funny and easy-to-read way. Students will be able to consult their work whenever they want.

Google-Drive has been used for first time. Students were enthusiastic about this program and they wrote the descriptions in a document shared with all the class.

Discovering the 1950s!

During this thirst term students of 6th grade have been learning about the 1950s. We have carried out different lessons related to Geography, History, Art, Music, Drama, Mathematics and, of course, English!

What time is it?

Third graders have been learning the time and daily routines. We’ve done it through different activities:

-Matching the clock with the time: We had different flashcards and the students had to complete them with the appropiate time.

-Drawing the clock hands: Students have drawn the clock hands in a flashcard.

-Dominoes and memories: Through these games, students have learnt the time (half an hour and o’clock)and daily routines.

They have enjoyed while they were learning!


Cinema and Minerals students have created trailers in English…

They used different thecniques, dubbing, home and school recording…

We really enjoyed it!

Nou racó d’anglès a P3

Pares i mares! Hem creat un racó nou on podreu trobar algunes de les cançons i històries que anem treballant a anglès. Aquest s’anirà actualitzant a mida que anem introduint nous

Categories I3

Easter: Time for an egg hunt!! Robots and trains

Hello families,

As you know, Easter holidays are coming soon, and this month we have been discovering different things about Easter! We have learnt that the Easter bunny hides the eggs in the garden and the children go on an egg hunt to find them.

Also, we have played funny games, such as “where is the Easter egg?” that consists in looking for the Easter egg that one classmate hides; and we have learnt a song “Time for an egg hunt”. Finally, we went on an egg hunt!!

Categories I5

Easter: Time for an egg hunt!! Firemen and Knights and princesses

Hello families,

As you know, Easter holidays are coming soon, and this month we have been discovering different things about Easter! We have learnt that the Easter bunny hides the eggs in the garden and the children go on an egg hunt to find them.

Also, we have played funny games, such as “where is the Easter egg?” that consists in looking for the Easter egg that one classmate hides; and we have learnt a song “Time for an egg hunt”. Finally, we went on an egg hunt!!

Categories I4