Family and numbers! Robots and trains class

Hello families,

This second term we have been working the topic about the family. We have learnt how to name each family member: daddy, mummy, brother, sister and Patch, the dog.

Also we have learnt the song “I love you” and we have played with the”bedtime” story. Enjoy it!

Categories I5

Movement with P5!

Hello families,

On psychomotricity we have played to the “bomb” game, that we have enjoyed a lot!

Categories I5

Treasure Island

The 10th of April we are going to see a play called Treasure Island, represented by IPA productions. IPA is a professional English theatre company that takes interactive plays in English for children.

During the English day, 6th graders represented a short scene from the play:

Jim Hawkins, a young man, works in a pub called the Admiral Benbow. One day, Billy Bones, a pirate, comes into the pub. He dies with a treasure map in his hand. Jim looks at the map. It’s a secret treasure map of Treasure Island!…

Board games! Inventions and water class

Hello families,

This second term we have left the cooking workshop and we have played board games, such as memory, bingo or fishing game.

In the following videos you are going to watch a brief part of one of them. Can you guess? One clue, if you want to play it, you need a fishing rod.


Divendres passat l’escola va participar a l’English Day que s’ha celebrat a diferents escoles de la comarca. Les 4 escoles de la Roca vam col·laborar per organitzar les activitats conjuntament. També vam rebre l’ajuda d’alguns pares i mares voluntaris i d’alumnes de 4t d’ESO de l’Institut.

Durant el matí es van fer diferents tallers de cançons, contes, art i teatre, adaptats a cada nivell, des de P3 fins a 6è.

A la tarda els alumnes de 4t van representar dues obres en anglès (Cinderella i The Sleeping Beauty) pels alumnes de cicle mitjà i superior. Els alumnes de cicle inicial van intercanviar-se cançons i rimes en anglès. A més a més, tots els alumnes de l’escola van poder veure també un vídeo on es mostraven algunes de les activitats orals realitzades als diferents cursos de l’escola.

A continuació podeu veure una mostra de les activitats que es van fer.

Psychomotricity with P4

With all the group we play traditional games. This game is called “One, two, three”. At the beginning, we always have a circle time to dance and sing songs.

Categories I4

Go away big green monster halloween song!!

To celebrate Halloween we have done a “halloween head band”. You can see cats, ghosts, monsters and witches. With them, we have danced and sang “Go away big green monster!” song.

Categories I4

I’m a little pumpkin halloween song!

To celebrate Halloween we have done a plasticine pumpkin and also we have danced and sang “I’m a little pumpkin” song.

Let’s dance with us!

Categories I5