Concurs de ball

Aquest curs  com a novetat s’ha fet el primer concurs de ball amb els alumnes de cicle mitjà i superior. Ells mateixos han creat les seves coreografies a les hores de pati.

Les guanyadores han estat la Natàlia, l’Alba, la Laura i la Núria de 5è A i B. El nom del grup és “Tutti Colori” i la cançó “Uptown Funk”. Enhorabona!!!

Grease, the musical

El passat dimecres dia 17 de juny, els nois i noies de 6è van culminar el projecte “Discovering the 50’s” amb l’estrena de l’obra musical “Grease”, adaptada per la mestra d’anglès Sílvia.

Aquest ha estat el primer musical en anglès que s’ha pogut veure a l’Escola Mogent. Ha estat possible gràcies a la feina de la Sílvia amb uns grans actors i actrius, i a la tasca de l’Aleix amb les cançons, que van ser enregistrades pels propis alumnes abans de l’obra.

Describing ourselves

During the last sessions, 4th graders have been creating a small book that contains their own drawings and descriptions. All the information has been gathered in a funny and easy-to-read way. Students will be able to consult their work whenever they want.

Google-Drive has been used for first time. Students were enthusiastic about this program and they wrote the descriptions in a document shared with all the class.

Discovering the 1950s!

During this thirst term students of 6th grade have been learning about the 1950s. We have carried out different lessons related to Geography, History, Art, Music, Drama, Mathematics and, of course, English!

What time is it?

Third graders have been learning the time and daily routines. We’ve done it through different activities:

-Matching the clock with the time: We had different flashcards and the students had to complete them with the appropiate time.

-Drawing the clock hands: Students have drawn the clock hands in a flashcard.

-Dominoes and memories: Through these games, students have learnt the time (half an hour and o’clock)and daily routines.

They have enjoyed while they were learning!


Cinema and Minerals students have created trailers in English…

They used different thecniques, dubbing, home and school recording…

We really enjoyed it!

Treasure Island

The 10th of April we are going to see a play called Treasure Island, represented by IPA productions. IPA is a professional English theatre company that takes interactive plays in English for children.

During the English day, 6th graders represented a short scene from the play:

Jim Hawkins, a young man, works in a pub called the Admiral Benbow. One day, Billy Bones, a pirate, comes into the pub. He dies with a treasure map in his hand. Jim looks at the map. It’s a secret treasure map of Treasure Island!…


Divendres passat l’escola va participar a l’English Day que s’ha celebrat a diferents escoles de la comarca. Les 4 escoles de la Roca vam col·laborar per organitzar les activitats conjuntament. També vam rebre l’ajuda d’alguns pares i mares voluntaris i d’alumnes de 4t d’ESO de l’Institut.

Durant el matí es van fer diferents tallers de cançons, contes, art i teatre, adaptats a cada nivell, des de P3 fins a 6è.

A la tarda els alumnes de 4t van representar dues obres en anglès (Cinderella i The Sleeping Beauty) pels alumnes de cicle mitjà i superior. Els alumnes de cicle inicial van intercanviar-se cançons i rimes en anglès. A més a més, tots els alumnes de l’escola van poder veure també un vídeo on es mostraven algunes de les activitats orals realitzades als diferents cursos de l’escola.

A continuació podeu veure una mostra de les activitats que es van fer.

Pleased to meet you!

America and Megalodons classes learn, write and practice short dialogues. They discovered how to make their dialogues sound realistic!!