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La Leire ha explicat als nens i nenes de 5è la seva experiència a Terceira. Tots els participants de l’Erasmus van crear conjuntament la presentació. Ha estat molt interessant!
La Leire ha explicat als nens i nenes de 5è la seva experiència a Terceira. Tots els participants de l’Erasmus van crear conjuntament la presentació. Ha estat molt interessant!
L’alumnat que viatjarà a les Açores, conjuntament amb la resta d’escoles que participem en el projecte Erasmus, hem treballat plegats durant una tarda per completar un padlet per tal de
Anna and Ariadna travelled to Amsterdam last June, and they have shared the experience with the 5th year students, We have seen photographs of the funniest moments of the trip,
Estem molt contents de poder compartir amb vosaltres que ja hem rebut l’acreditació definitiva Erasmus KA121. A partir d’ara podrem gaudir d’aquest nou projecte que permet la mobilitat d’alumnes i
Sílvia has been in Lisbon, Portugal, doing a course on environmental education. The aim of the course was to awaken the environmental awareness of teachers to act as facilitating agents
Meeting of the schools of the Erasmus+ ALASVO consortium in order to share the mobilities that have been done so far. Sílvia explained her experience in Portugal. Here you can
The fifth year students have created a logo to represent the ALASVO project. The students who participated in the design of the logo voted for the 2 best ones. The
Last Monday, the draw was made for the students who will travel to Amsterdam to participate in the Erasmus+ programme. All 5th grade students were present and were able to
Last week, we presented the Erasmus+ ALASVO programme to 5th grade students and families. To start with, we explained what are the objectives, the most important features and the structure