Snap dragon game! Pirates and Circus classes

Hello families,

We want to show you how we play at this popular childish game called snap dragon! This time, the vocabulary used is about colours and body parts.

Enjoy our videos!

Els pirates llegim llibretes missatgeres

Al llarg del trimestre hem anat llegint les llibretes missatgeres que escrivim a casa amb l’ajuda dels pares. Ens agrada molt saber què fan els companys fora de l’escola i poder fer-los preguntes.

Christmas miming! Pirates and circus classes

Hello families,

This month we have been doing Christmas activities. One of all of them has been a miming game about different Christmas characters: the snowman, Santa, the bell, the Christmas tree, the star and the presents.

Enjoy our videos and share with us the Christmas spirit!

Circus class!

Hello families,

This month we have been working our class name. We have watched Peppa Pig at the circus episode, we have played online games about circus and we have done a circus role play, where you can identify the ticket seller, the ringmaster, the acrobat, the funny clown, the strongman and the juggler.

Enjoy our videos!

Excursió al Cim d’Àligues

Els nens de primer hem anat d’excursió al Cim d’Àligues.

Vam gaudir molt veient l’espectacle de vol, era molt emocionant quan les aus ens passaven fregant els nostres caps. També ens va agradar conèixer i saber coses de les aus rapinyaires.

És una excursió molt especial, ens va encantar!

Treasure hunt! Pirates class

Hello families,

This month we have been working our class name. We have talked about the ship, the pirate flag, the treasure map, the treasure chest, the hat and the pirate scarf. Finally, we went on a treasure hunt! William Kidd, a brave captain, buried a treasure at school!

Enjoy our discovery!

Coneixem el cos i fem equilibris!

En aquest primer trimestre els alumnes de primer ens estem convertint en veritables especialistes en reconèixer la mà dominant.

També comencem a dominar el nostre cos en equilibri i deixem amb la boca oberta a la gent que ens mira.

Celebrating Halloween with Pirates and Circus classes!

Hello families,

Halloween it’s a magical time of the year for children. This year we have celebrated the trick-or-treating tradition: children in costumes travel from house to house asking for treats such as candy with the phrase “Knock knock, trick or treat?”.